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Listen, I think about NorthWestern Energy (NWE), our state’s primary utility provider, too much. Maybe it’s because I’m a diehard environmentalist (yeah yeah, I care about the planet and everything on it, sue me). Maybe it’s because I just want to live in a society that prioritizes people over profit. Whatever I know for sure is that we’re at a critical juncture both globally and here in Montana, where we’re confronting the realities of climate change and how it’s reshaping our landscapes. This is my generation’s defining issue, and how we move forward will shape the trajectory of future generations to come. NorthWestern Energy is a huge player in this field

Despite global consensus that we need to rapidly decrease fossil fuel production and consumption, NWE continues to expand their fossil fuel infrastructure.

You can see this regressive ideology through their newly constructed 175 MW gas plant in Laurel and increased ownership of Colstrip coal-fired plants, acquired after investors deemed them unsustainable. What’s worse, NWE’s CEO, Brian Bird, is aware of this lopsided thinking, explicitly acknowledging that he may be the only utility in the country actively concentrating on acquiring more coal in his portfolio.

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Tyler Halligan is a climate and energy fellow with the Montana Chapter of the Sierra Club.

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